Weekly News - October 30, 2023

Amy Parratto


RIPTIDE HALLOWEEN INVITE: Congratulations to all our Riptide swimmers who competed at the meet on Saturday. It was a big event with lots of swimmers displaying outstanding team spirit and many fun costumes as well. Be sure to check out the pictures on our TU social feed. Coach Olga plans to add more pics later this morning. Thank you to all our parents who worked at the meet and made the magic happen. We could not do this without your support! The meet results are loaded in Team Unify and SWIMS. Way to go everyone!!!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN: There are no afternoon or evening practices on Tuesday. Have fun everyone!

MEET DEADLINES: Foxjet Bronze Invite – Oct. 31, SCSC Winter Carnival – Nov. 2 (deadline moved up), Riptide Jingle Bell Invite – Nov. 4.

CUB FOOD FUNDRAISER: This is a reminder to please sign up to help us fundraise so we can keep our cost low for the Team Banquet. 


MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: We launched this program last year and it was a huge success! We would like to see if we can continue providing a positive impact and see our experienced swimmers share their passion and knowledge! It builds a great amount of team unity and bond between the groups and provides an opportunity to raise great leaders in our community!  Please have your swimmers look at this sign up and offer their help. We still have plenty of positions open! 


FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN: 160 Riptide members and families will be sharing their time to volunteer at FMSC to help those in need! Amazing teamwork and commitment! Thank you to one all and we will see you there this Saturday, 4:30-6:15pm.                                                                 


  • Adult Swim Training & Private LessonsGroup Training for Triathletes & Masters; Beginner Adult Swim Classes; Individual and Small Group Lessons going on now! For more information –contact [email protected].
  • Private LessonsRiptide Coaches offer 30 and 60 minute private lessons. If your swimmer is interested, either contact your lead coach directly or [email protected]
  • Stroke and Turn Officials - Anyone interested in learning to become a USA Swimming Stroke and Turn Official - please contact Wendy Peterson at [email protected].