IMPORTANT REMINDERS PARENT MEETINGS: We always like to begin the season by connecting with the parents and making sure everyone has the information they need to help the swimmers get off to a great start. Please make every effort to attend the appropriate meeting. If you have questions regarding the meeting, reach out to your swimmer’s lead coach (see coach contact list below). 8&U – Monday, September 9th / 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. / upstairs meeting room Bronze – Tuesday, September 10th / 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. / upstairs meeting...
IMPORTANT REMINDERS RIPTIDE ZONE SWIMMERS: Congratulations to our Zone swimmers who competed August 8-11 in Des Moines, Iowa at the 14&U Central Zone Championships for TEAM MINNESOTA: Micah Debeltz, Kathryn Deeb, Aiden Finch, Alyce Gaffke, William Jiang, Marian Kalweit, Wes Knapp, Anh-na Le, Vivian Lenzen, Chandler Offerman, Elaina Pontrelli, Mackenzie Schroeder, and Paige Turnbow. Team Minnesota won the meet and our Riptide swimmers played a key role in that victory. WAY TO GO EVERYONE!!! NEW COACHING STAFF: We would like to welcome the following coaches to our staff. Bios for...
IMPORTANT REMINDERS 11-14 MN STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS: Congratulations to our Riptide swimmers for a fantastic four days of swimming!!! We are so incredibly proud of their achievements, teamwork, and team spirit!!! Riptide earned the third-place combined team banner for the AAA division (large teams) on Sunday night in an exciting night of racing. Riptide also had one swimmer finish 1st in the high point total for the 11-12 girls! Congratulations to Alyce Gaffke for this impressive achievement. Way to go everyone!!! Now on to Zones!!! RIPTIDE ZONE QUALIFIERS: Congratulations to our...
IMPORTANT REMINDERS SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS: Congratulations to our Senior Elite swimmers for an outstanding Senior Championships held in Rochester from July 18-21. Riptide finished 4th in a tight combined team competition. Congratulations to all our swimmers – GREAT JOB!!!! HIGH POINT AWARD WINNERS AT THE SENIOR MEET: We had several swimmers earn High Point Awards: Caroline Mulrooney – High Point Overall and Distance High Point, Patrick Curran – 2nd place High Point, Lily Sisson – 2nd place Distance High Point, Gabe Lenzen – 3rd place Distance High Point, Tate Dihel –...
IMPORTANT REMINDERS REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS: Congratulations to our Riptide swimmers for a great meet! Riptide won the combined team scoring for large teams and had 24 swimmers place in the top 5 high point standings (see below). We also had a large percentage of best times and new champ times – Way to Go Swimmers! THANK YOU to our parents, families, and team members for all that you did to run an outstanding Regional Championship. You are the BEST!!! High point award certificates can be picked up at the BWAC front...
IMPORTANT REMINDERS REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS: Our Regional meet page will be updated with the latest information (programs, final timelines etc.) as soon as it is made available. We are still in need of filling many volunteer slots! If your child is swimming in the meet, we do need your help! Riptide cannot run this meet without everyone’s help - END OF SEASON TEAM SHIRTS: Remember to have your swimmer pick up their end of season Riptide team shirt. All swimmers, even if they are not attending a championship meet, are...
IMPORTANT REMINDERS CHAMPIONSHIP MEETS: Lead coaches are working on finalizing all end of season meet entries. If you have any questions, please reach out to your swimmer’s lead coach sooner than later. TREE REMOVAL: There are several trees being removed on the perimeter of the BWAC parking lot. Please do not park near a tree marked with an “X”. END OF SEASON TEAM SHIRTS: Our Championship T-Shirts are here and ready to be picked up! A reminder that ALL swimmers, even if they are not attending a championship meet, are...
IMPORTANT REMINDERS AQJ SUMMER SPECTACULAR INVITE: Congratulations to our Riptide swimmers who competed at the Aquajet Invite this weekend at the U of M. The results are now loaded into SWIMS. RFSC LAST CHANCE INVITE: Congratulations to our Riptide swimmers who raced this past weekend at the River Falls Invite. We had many swimmers achieve new Silver times qualifying them to move on to the Regional Championships. Way to go everyone!!! The results are loaded into SWIMS. REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS: Lead coaches will be working on their entries for Regionals this...
IMPORTANT REMINDERS RIPTIDE JUMP INTO JUNE INVITE: Congratulations to our Riptide swimmers who competed this past Saturday. Way to go everyone! Thank you to everyone who stepped up to run the meet. We cannot run meets without parents volunteering. The meet results are loaded into SWIMS and TU. SUMMER SCHEDULE REMINDER: Our summer practice schedule begins TODAY! NSAC INVITE: The latest information regarding this meet will be posted on our meet page as soon as it is made available. CHAMPIONSHIP MEETS: Meet information for our end of season championship meets...
IMPORTANT REMINDERS GREAT WOLF INVITE: Congratulations to all our swimmers who competed at the Great Wolf Huff “n” Puff Invite at the University of Minnesota. Riptide swimmers knocked out a ton of fantastic swims over the four day meet…best times, champ times, zone times and even a few meet records! The results are loaded into TU. Way to go everyone!!! RIPTIDE JUMP INTO JUNE INVITE: We still have many volunteer jobs that need to be filled for our meet on June 8th. If your child is swimming in the meet,...